
I am getting odd behaviour when I am trying to write a file in a while loop
with a sleep function call.

I am trying to periodically change the number of jobs on a cluster depending
on the current usage and a dummy version that does not require access to the
cluster usage is attached at the end.

The crux of the matter is in the main loop. When I run it, it writes a blank
file on the first iteration, then sleeps and on the 2nd iteration, it
finally puts in the correct value. I simply can't understand why it
postpones the open, write, close section of the 1st loop until the sleep is
finished. The sleep() is clearly after the write().

Thanks in advance, Gavin


    while i == 1:
        if pid <> -1:
            i = pid_exists(pid)
        if g.verbose: os.system('clear')
    ############################## get data ###############################
        freeload, halfload, fullload =
20,20,40#getnodedata()<----------------------- dummy data
        weekend, phase = gettimedata()
        userload =
2#getuserdata()<-------------------------------------------------- dummy
        if g.verbose: print '...total nodes =',2 * (freeload + halfload +
        if g.verbose: print '...used nodes =',halfload + 2 * fullload
        if g.verbose: print '...free nodes =',2 * freeload + halfload
        if g.verbose: print '...user nodes =',userload
    ############################# usage logic #############################
        if weekend or phase == 3:
            answer = maxnode
            if g.verbose:
                print '...maxing out the machine with '+str(answer)
            answer = max(minnode,2*freeload+halfload-slack)
            if g.verbose:
                print '...limiting runs to '+str(answer)+' nodes'
    ############################ write outfile ############################
        o=open(os.getcwd()+g.dsep+file, 'w')
        if g.verbose:
            print '...writing to '+os.getcwd()+g.dsep+file
        o.write('%over = (njobs => '+str(answer)+');\n')
    ############################### sleep now #############################
#! /data/gen27/utg/lusbg1/bin/Python-2.5.1/python
import sys, os, getopt, datetime
from time import sleep
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from getpass import getuser

class g:
    global variables class

    if os.name in ('nt','dos','ce'):
        dsep = '\\'
        dsep = '/'
    verbose = False

def main():
    main iterative subroutine

    if g.verbose: os.system('clear'); print '\n...loadmax.py'
    ############################### get opts ##############################
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "o:p:r:l:u:s:thv", 
    except getopt.GetoptError:
    file = 'mybad'
    slack = 20
    minnode = 40
    maxnode = 100
    refresh = 10*60
    tracker = 'tracker.dat'
    answer = 0
    pid = -1
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == "-v":             # verbosity switch
            g.verbose = True
        if opt == "-o":             # output filename switch
            file = arg
        if opt == "-t":             # tracker filename switch
            tracker = True
        if opt == "-r":             # refresh rate converted min->sec
            refresh = float(arg)*60.0
        if opt == "-u":             # maximum permissable nodes
            maxnode = int(arg)
        if opt == "-l":             # minimum permissable nodes
            minnode = int(arg)
        if opt == "-p":             # follow specified pid
            pid = int(arg)
        if opt == "-s":             # no of slack nodes
            slack = int(arg)
        if opt in ("-h", "--help"): # help!
    if file == 'mybad':
        print '...error: output file not specified'
    i = 1
    while i == 1:
        if pid <> -1:
            i = pid_exists(pid)
        if g.verbose: os.system('clear')
    ############################## get data ###############################
        freeload, halfload, fullload = 20,20,40#getnodedata()
        weekend, phase = gettimedata()
        userload = 2#getuserdata()
        if g.verbose: print '...total nodes =',2 * (freeload + halfload + 
        if g.verbose: print '...used nodes =',halfload + 2 * fullload
        if g.verbose: print '...free nodes =',2 * freeload + halfload
        if g.verbose: print '...user nodes =',userload
    ############################# usage logic #############################
        if weekend or phase == 3:
            answer = maxnode
            if g.verbose:
                print '...maxing out the machine with '+str(answer)
            answer = max(minnode,2*freeload+halfload-slack)
            if g.verbose:
                print '...limiting runs to '+str(answer)+' nodes'
    ############################ write outfile ############################
        o=open(os.getcwd()+g.dsep+file, 'w')
        if g.verbose:
            print '...writing to '+os.getcwd()+g.dsep+file
        o.write('%over = (njobs => '+str(answer)+');\n')
    ############################### sleep now #############################

def pid_exists(pid):
    int = pid_exists(pid)

    returns 1 if the pid integer exists, otherwise 0
    not brilliant as it's not so platform independent
        os.kill(pid, 0)
        return 1
    except OSError, err:
        return 0

def gettimedata():
    weekend, phase = gettimedata

    returns whether today is a weekend or flex
    and whether it is out of office hours
    day = 'weekday'
    weekend = False
    hr = datetime.datetime.today().hour
    if hr >= 8 and hr <= 12:
        phase = 1; time = 'morning'
    elif hr > 12 and hr <= 18:
        phase = 2; time = 'afternoon'
        phase = 3; time = 'but outside hours'
    if datetime.datetime.today().weekday() == 4 and phase >= 2:
        weekend = True
        day = 'flex-friday'
    if datetime.datetime.today().weekday() >= 5:
        weekend = True
        day = 'weekend'
    if g.verbose:
        print '...it is a '+day+' '+time
    return weekend, phase

def getuserdata():
    userjobs = getuserdata()

    returns the number of jobs that belong to the user
    if g.verbose:
        print '...obtaining usage for user '+getuser()
    p1 = Popen(['qstat','-u',getuser()], stdout=PIPE)
    p2 = Popen(['grep','-c','compute-0-'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
    return int(p2.communicate()[0])

def getnodedata():
    freenodes, halfnodes, fullnodes = getnodedata()

    returns a tuple of the node counts for the 3 categories
    p1 = Popen(['qstat','-f'], stdout=PIPE)
    p2 = Popen(['grep','-c','BIP   2/2'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
    p1 = Popen(['qstat','-f'], stdout=PIPE)
    p3 = Popen(['grep','-c','BIP   1/2'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
    p1 = Popen(['qstat','-f'], stdout=PIPE)
    p4 = Popen(['grep','-c','BIP   0/2'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
    return int(p4.communicate()[0]), int(p3.communicate()[0]), 

def usage():
    print 'USAGE:   loadmax.py -o over.txt [options]'
    print 'Options:'
    print '          -h           =  print help message and exit'
    print '          -l           =  lower limit nodes'
    print '                          (default: 40)'
    print '          -u           =  upper limit nodes'
    print '                          (default: 100)'
    print '          -s           =  no of slack nodes'
    print '                          (default: 20)'
    print '          -r           =  refresh rate'
    print '                          (default: 10mins)'
    print '          -p [pid]     =  end with given pid'
    print '                          (default: 10mins)'
    print '          -v --verbose =  turn on extra debug information'
    print '                          (default: off)'

if __name__ == "__main__":

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