I've been googling for a while now and cannot find a good way to deal
with this.

I have a slightly messy python program I wrote that I've historically
just run from the extracted source folder.  I have pictures and sound
files in this folder that this program uses.  I've always just used
the relative path names of these files in my program.

Lately, I had the idea of cleaning up my program and packaging it with
distutils, but I've been stuck on a good way to deal with these
resource files.  The package_data keyword seems to be the way to go,
but how can I locate and open my files once they've been moved?  In
other words, what should I do about changing the relative path names?
I need something that could work from both the extracted source
folder, AND when the program gets installed via the python setup.py
install command.
Sam Peterson
skpeterson At nospam ucdavis.edu
"if programmers were paid to remove code instead of adding it,
software would be much better" -- unknown

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