> You Used Python to Write WHAT?
> http://www.cio.com/article/185350

Furthermore, the power and expressivity that Python offers means 
that it may require more skilled developers.
[...down to the summary...]
Python may not be an appropriate choice if you:
*  Rely on teams of less-experienced programmers. These 
developers may benefit from the wider availability of training 
for languages like Java and are less likely to make mistakes with 
a compile-time, type-checked language.

Oh noes!  You might need competent programmers that actually 
understand what they're doing!

(they might even have to write testing code to make sure their 
code works as intended...it's a good thing that Python includes 
unittest and doctest modules in the stock install)

Sigh.  Any programmer that can overcome the hurdles of learning 
Java or C# can quickly/easily pick up Python as long as they're 
willing to unlearn some bad habits.



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