On Feb 19, 7:19 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> If not, how about these:
> - It doesn't match the rest of the language
> - It's too cutting edge
> - It is too hard to handle
> - It would get out of hand really quickly
> - I can't control you anymore after I let it in
> - The functionality already exists per se
> - It is to the rest of the language as wires #3, #4, and #5 are to RCA
> cables
> - HTML 4.01 is not an improvement over HTML 4.0
> ?
> If still not, how about these:
> - It hurts my feelings
> - It foils my revenge
> - I'd rather you toil meanially
> - Tedious is good
> - You shouldn't have power
> - But I'm greedy
> - We can't afford it
> ?

I think your tin foil hat may screwed on a wee bit tight.

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