On Feb 20, 2:32 am, Paul McGuire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I use epydoc for pyparsing, and I really like the results.  Just make
> sure that importing your modules doesn't really do anything
> substantial (like connect to db's, or run unit tests that run for
> hours); epydoc imports your code and then introspects it to extract
> the classes, methods, docstrings, etc.

OK thanks for the advice.  We already have a policy of not doing
anything "heavyweight" on module import so in introspection wouldn't
be a problem.

> (And I think you asked an honest question, and did not deserve the
> rude answers you got.  This NG is normally better behaved.)

Yeah I've been lurking a long time.  I've noticed a strange uptick in
weirdness lately. No clue why though.


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