will this twisted,turbo gear etc help me to create a http server that can
serve multiple clients concurrently....
and also the http server which i want to create in my project will not be
doing any IO (it is not like frontend  and backend ).. but it will act as a
image_proxy_server i.e when a client wants an image  it will do a http
request to my  http server if the image is present in cache it will fetch it
directly from cache  and return  it  to the  client as an http reponse
otherwise  it  fetch from  www  and  store  it cache and also return it to
the client as an http response so basically i want to serve many clients
concurrently in fast n efficient manner

On Feb 20, 2008 5:51 AM, Christian Heimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> bharath venkatesh wrote:
> > hi
> >    i want to create fast n efficient http server which serve multiple
> > client  concurrently .. so i thought of threading the http server  using
> Threads ain't efficient for IO bound problems like a HTTP server. Most
> OSs have far better ways to deal with IO bound applications like
> select(), poll(), epoll(), kqueue() or IOCP.
> Use Twisted :)
> Christian
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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