"richie" schrieb
> > > That code works. Maybe you fixed it while 
> > > you were mailing it =)
> >
> > This is weird mate.
> > I'm using eclipse 3.2 with the pydev plugin.  
> > There it loops forever - from the eclipse console.
> > Two hours of trying, changing the code...finally gave up.
> >
> > Then I got your reply.  Opened up a regular console 
> > and executed it from there.
> > And voila....it works! Well, after this I'm going 
> > back to the old trusty shell.
> >
> > Thanks again mate.
> I try it too in my eclipse3.2. I got the same result.
> It seems very strange.
Print out "answer" and see if there is a difference ...

my $0.02


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