On 2/19/08 11:55 AM, "schweet1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I am attempting to use python to submit a query to the following URL:
> https://ramps.uspto.gov/eram/patentMaintFees.do
> The page looks simple enough - it requires submitting a number into 2
> form boxes and then selecting from the pull down.
> However, my test scripts have been hung up, apparently due to the
> several buttons on the page having the same name.  Ideally, I would
> have the script use the "Get Bibligraphic Data" link.
> Any assistance would be appreciated.
> ~Jon

You might take a look at Selenium (selenium.openqa.org).  It is a test tool
that can generate python code to automate driving a browser.


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