On Feb 20, 6:02 pm, Ben Finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > My writing isn't unclear
> Please re-assess that statement in light of the dozens of responses
> from many people in the last few weeks, telling you that your writing
> *is* unclear.
> For what it's worth, I've found none of your threads in the last few
> weeks to make much sense at all, because of unclear and incoherent
> writing. On that basis, I dismiss them before trying to re-read them,
> because I don't want to spend my time trying to find sense in them
> that may not be there at all.
> --
>  \       "From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I |
>   `\    was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend reading it."  -- |
> _o__)                                                     Groucho Marx |
> Ben Finney

How do I "bake" this idea?  Steve Bethard has often asked, "When would
you use it?" and "What is a use case?"  Is the hang up on this
specific idea the absence of possibilities of use?  Does he just want
to see some fleshed out?  Is it easier to consider the abstraction in
a particular example?  If the example isn't good, is the idea
rejected, or the example replaced?  Is that the hang-up of this one?
Surely, there's a demand for performance, but what next?

I'll distill it.

import ext
ext.FuncA= """[string in C/C++]"""
dosomething( ext.FuncA() )

The style is wide open.  Should each function you add be an object?

ext.FuncA= ext.Compile.C( """[string]""" )?

Should 'propogate' be called on initialization, or separately?  I
intended the above to be a proof of concept; not only is it possible,
it's possible in Python "as is."  Design the back end first, or the
interface?  Having the proof of concept makes that question more
tangible and "grappleable", if that's a word.  I don't even know if I
care who gets credit.

The idea is currently half baked.  (Say that first next time,
right?!)  Not finished.

Are further problems a) miscommunication or b) absence of content?  If
Holden and Genellina don't follow, that's a strong sign that the
structure of my proposals is really bad, even if there's a good thing
behind it.  You just have to solve (a) before you solve (b), which
makes devoting resources to (a) a little preliminary.

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