
I am using wxPython, and I have a frame that has a notebook in it.   
there are 3 pages in the notebook, 2 of which are Panels and 1 of  
which is a PlotCanvas.  The data for the plot changes when I press a  
button that is in the frame, but not in the notebook (as designed).   
the button also makes the plot draw again, since the data has changed.

The problem is that whenever I press my button, the focus of the  
notebook "view area" (as opposed to the tabs) changes focus to the  
plot.  if I have multiple plots, the focus goes to that plot which was  
drawn last in the code. however, if I click anywhere on the panel, the  
page of the notebook that is supposed to be in focus is now shown in  
the "view area" of the notebook.

will try to make a sample .py if anybody needs a visual, let me know  

Thanks for any help!


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