About a month ago, there was a thread on auto-assigning decorators for __init__. One by André Roberge is here: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_frm/ thread/32b421bbe6caaeed/0bcd17b1fa4fb07c?#0bcd17b1fa4fb07c
This works well for simple cases, but doesn't take keyword arguments or set default values. I wrote a more extensive version implementing python call semantics, but it seemed awkard to be repeating something the compiler does already, so I tried execing a function definition on the fly with the right parameters that would function as the decorator. Like this (adjust the indentation variable if it throws a syntax error) def autoassign(_init_): import inspect import functools argnames, _, _, defaults = inspect.getargspec(_init_) argnames = argnames[1:] indentation = ' ' settings = ['self.%s = %s' % (arg[1:], arg) for arg in argnames if arg[0] == '_'] if len(settings) <= 0: return _init_ if defaults is None: args = argnames[:] else: args = argnames[:-len(defaults)] for key, value in zip(argnames[-len(defaults):],defaults): args.append('%s=%s' % (key, repr(value))) template = """def _autoassign(self, %(args)s): %(setting)s _init_(self, %(argnames)s) """ % {'args' : ", ".join(args), 'setting' : "\n".join(['%s%s' % (indentation, setting) for setting in settings]), 'argnames' : ', '.join(argnames)} try: exec template except SyntaxError, e: raise SyntaxError('%s. line: %s. offset %s:\n%s' % (e.msg, e.lineno, e.offset, template)) return _autoassign Which creates what looked like the right template, but when instantiating a class that uses that (eg class A(object): @autoassign def __init__(self,_a): pass a = A(3) it throws a NameError: global name '_init_' is not defined Is there a way to bind the _init_ name at exec time? Thanks, ale -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list