> You've created an infinitely recursing grammar.  SimpleParse is a 
> straightforward recursive descent parser without look-ahead (unless 
> explicitly coded) or ambiguity resolution.  You are asking it to parse 
> "expr" to see if "expr,binop,expr" is matched.  It will continue 
> recursing down into "expr" until it runs out of ram or otherwise 
> encounters a system-level fault.
> You need to disambiguate your grammar to have it work with 
> SimpleParse.  How you do that will depend on what you really meant by 
> expr,binop,expr:
>    a&b&c
> could be parsed as either:
>    ((a&b)&c)
> or:
>    (a&(b&c))
> the following creates a parser that produces the first option (which 
> is, I *think* what you wanted):
Is there any way I can specify precedence tables? Or do I have to use a 
different parser generator then?




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