bharath venkatesh wrote:
> hi,
>    i wanna run a python program by specifying  only its  name ex prog 
> with the arguments in the terminal or command line instead of specifying 
> python prog in the terminal to run the program   not even specifying the 
> it with .py extension ..
> for example i want to run the python program named prog by sepcifying
> $prog -arguments
> instead of
> $python prog -arguments
> or
> $ -arguments
> can anyone tell me how to do it
reseach pathext for Windows.

For Unix-like systems use the shebang (#!) line, and don't put a .py at 
the end of the filename.

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC    


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