On Feb 26, 1:11 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Feb 2008 09:49:00 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed
> the following in comp.lang.python:
> > > > I am not a troll.  I want a sustainable, healthy, productive,
> > > > educational, informative relationship with frequenters of c.l.p, the
> > > > Python community at large, and anyone who has anything non-negative to
> > > > contribute.  If you are wanting to see how I react to hostility, just
> > > > ask.  I'll fake it for you, but only for a second at a time.
>         Unfortunately, your posts come across more as "give, give, give"
> with no "take"> I'm not quite sure a semaphore is exactly the synchronization 
> object
> > I'm looking for, but I'm a little new to concurrency myself.
>         Then wouldn't it behoove you to study a few papers on the general
> subject of concurrency, followed by mapping the concepts to the Python
> implementations?
> > In the interface I design, only one with-call can get the result at
> > once.  It was my understanding that semaphores, and many other synch.
> > objs. returned control at random.
>         Perhaps:  http://www.greenteapress.com/semaphores/
> will be of use. Almost 300 pages of concurrency concerns, with a chapter
> specific to Python.
> --
>         Wulfraed        Dennis Lee Bieber               KD6MOG
>         [EMAIL PROTECTED]               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                 HTTP://wlfraed.home.netcom.com/
>         (Bestiaria Support Staff:               [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>                 HTTP://www.bestiaria.com/

I want to waken a specific thread that's waiting on a S.O., synchro
object, based on an index.

>From the docs:
Semaphore acquire: "The implementation may pick one at random."

Thus semaphores will not do, outside of an array of them.  Did I miss

A: I want a specific thread.
B: Semaphores pick one at random.
||| I don't want semaphores.

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