
I am trying to implement a local server for storing and retrieving
numerical data.
So I use BaseHTTPServer as follows:

    from BaseHTTPServer import *

    class Handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

        def do_POST(self):

            print "POST"

    httpd = HTTPServer(("",8000), Handler)

For testing I use:


    import httplib

    data = "123456789o" * 100

    conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost:8000")
    print conn.request("POST", "/", data)


Executing this client, the server says:

    error(10053, 'Software caused connection abort')

If I add "conn.getresponse()" at the end of the test script, the
message disapears, but the server hangs.

Where is my mistake ?

Greetings, Uwe.

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