
Fernando  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [...]
> [...] Python is going the C++ way: piling feature upon feature,
> adding bells and whistles while ignoring or damaging its core
> design.

I'm new to Python, but I while I skimmed through the "What's new?"
of recent versions, I saw the same unfortunate development.

Moreover, I dislike the fact that new features are implemented
partly in the interpreter and partly in Python itself.  It reminds
me of TeX/LaTeX, where the enormous flexibility of TeX is used to
let it change itself in order to become a LaTeX compiler.  However,
the underlying constructs are utterly ugly, as are some of Python's
features (e.g. __getattr__ and such, and descriptors, in order to
get nice class properties).

> The new 'perlified' syntax for decorators,

Python lost its innocence here: The first really special character,
disturbing the former syntax style.  Not important, but irritating.

> the new static type bonds

What is meant by that?

> [...] What used to be a cool language will soon be an interpreted
> C/C++ without any redeeming value. A real pity...

I don't think so, there will be always an enormous difference.  But
Python seems a little bit chaotic.

I looked for a new language for my hobby programming.  I used to use
Turbo Pascal for 10 years and then C++ for 6 years.  A couple of
weeks ago, I narrowed my decision to C#, Ruby, and Python.  At the
moment, I want to go with Python, but you can definitely see that
it's the oldest one: Many parts of its syntax are awkward and look
like patchwork.


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus

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