Colin J. Williams wrote:

> Return a copy of the string with the
> leading and trailing characters removed.

> Only the last two examples below behave
> as expected.

They all looks OK to me.

> [Dbg]>>> 'ab$%\n\rcd'.strip('%')
> 'ab$%\n\rcd'

No "%" at the beginning or end of string.  Nothing changed.

> [Dbg]>>> 'ab$%cd'.strip('$')
> 'ab$%\n\rcd'

No "$" at the beginning or end of string.  Nothing changed.  I believe that
you didn't copy this from the standard input due to the presence of "\r\n"
on the answer...

> [Dbg]>>> 'ab$%cd'.strip('$')
> 'ab$%cd'

No "$" at the beginning or end of string.  Nothing changed.

> [Dbg]>>> '  ab$%cd  '.strip('$')
> '  ab$%cd  '

No "$" at the beginning or end of string.  Nothing changed.

> [Dbg]>>> '  ab$%cd  '.strip('%')
> '  ab$%cd  '

No "%" at the beginning or end of string.  Nothing changed.


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