"K Viltersten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>As long as we're on the subject, i also wonder
>if there's a general concensus on which 
>technology is recommended in the different 
>types of projects that are developed. (E.g. 
>"use A for small/fast fixes, use B for stuff
>you'll need to maintain later on".)

Are you talking specifically about GUI toolkits?  I seriously doubt that
anyone routinely uses more than one GUI with Python (although I'm sure
there are exceptions).  Each of them has a pretty big learning curve to
climb, and once you have climbed it, all of the GUI kits will solve the
same problems.

(Caution: the following contains gross generalities.)

If you have ever done GUI programming in Windows using the Win32 API, then
wxPython will seem more natural than Tkinter or Qt (although I should point
out that all of them work equally well on Windows and Linux).

If you have ever done GUI programming in X, or if you have done script with
with Tcl/Tk, then it is likely that Tkinter will seem more natural than

Perhaps the best option is to take a look at some samples, and see what
looks more natural to you.  wxPython, for instance, has a wonderful set of
demos that demonstrate almost every feature of the toolkit.
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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