That you could do yourself, CMIIW correct me if I'm wrong.

     for foo in iterex( bar_sequence ):
>         # normal iteration
>         spam(foo)
>         if funky(foo):
>             break
     except StopIterationEx, exc:
>         # the iterator stopped normally
>         eggs(exc)
>     else:
>         # the iterator exited abnormally, i.e. 'break'
>         sausage()
>     finally:
>         # always executed, even on 'break'
>         beans()

Qualm, except would be needed in every for-, and in one sense doesn't
obey the semantics of exceptions.  The end of a finite list is not an
exceptional element-- it's not one.  However generator semantics don't
yield finite sequences-- and finity is an exception, but for-loops
don't use infinite ones.

Makes it sound (*subj've) like I'm hacking by using for-loops..... or,
like sequencetype.__iter__ is malformed.  <staggered diminished chord>

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