On Mar 4, 9:46 pm, Jason Galyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> > En Tue, 04 Mar 2008 23:50:49 -0200, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> >> How could I return a list or tuple of each unique combination of a given
> >> set of lists (perhaps from a dict or a list).  This means the number of
> >> lists are not known nor is the length of each.
> > Use the Google interfase for this group:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/
> > Type "unique combinations lists" in the text box; press "Search in this
> > group". The very first result contains some answers to your question.
> found it, the referenced cookbook recipe is perfect.
> Thanks, Gabriel

That reminds me:  Is there a generic 'relation' pattern/recipie, such
as finding a computer that's "paired" with multiple users, each of who
are "paired" with multiple computers, without maintaining dual-


py> user.getcomputers()
[ Compie1, Compie2 ]


user._computers.add( compieN )
compieN._users.add( user )


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