On Mar 8, 7:32 am, Alan Isaac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cruxic wrote:
> > people = set( [Person(1, 'Joe'), Person(2, 'Sue')] )
> > ...
> > p = people.get_equivalent(2)  #method doesn't exist as far as I know
> > print p.name  #prints Sue
> def get_equivalent(test, container):
>   for p in container:
>     if p == test:
>       return p
> hth,
> Alan Isaac
> #example (note change in __eq__ to match your case; fix if nec)
> class Person:
>   def __init__(self, id, name):
>     self.id = id
>     self.name = name
>   def __hash__(self):
>     return self.id
>   def __eq__(self, other):
>     return self.id == other
> people = set( [Person(1, 'Joe'), Person(2, 'Sue')] )
> get_equivalent(2,people)

That works fine for small data sets but my goal is to avoid a linear
search, instead leveraging the O(1) lookup time for a hash based set.

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