Gilles Ganault wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 11:27:06 -0400, "Malcolm Greene"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Any suggestions on an alternative Python client-side GUI library (pyQT
> >?) or tips on where I can find out more about wxPython/wxWidget
> >problems?
> One thing that bothers me is that it seems like there's no ecosystem
> around it, so the only widgets available are those that come from
> wxWidgets proper.
> For instance, I find the grid object a bit  poor-featured compared to
> what's available for VB6, .Net, or Delphi, but I didn't find
> alternatives.

I do not know if this helps, but here is an extract from a recent post
to the wxPython mailing list from Robin Dunn, the main developer of
wxPython -

"The new wxDataViewCtrl coming in 2.9 might make this unnecessary.
Think of it as a wxListCtrl that is always in virtual mode with a plug-
in data model, can optionally have hierarchical data (like wxTreeCtrl)
in one of the columns, and where every column can have a custom
renderer/editor for the cells like wxGrid.  And it uses the native
controls on Mac and GTK.  I've been working on the wrappers for it off
and on over the past few weeks and while it is a complex beast, it
will probably be easier to use than wxGrid in most cases and easier
than wxListCtrl in some cases too."

I also strongly recommend using the mailing list for any questions,
problems, or feature requests. Robin is a very active contributor to
the list, and frequently provides very insightful answers. Also there
are a number of other active contributors, some of whom have designed
their own composite widgets using the underlying components of the
toolkit, and are happy to share them.

Frank Millman

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