As I recall Quixote allowed you to embed html in python.  was actually pretty 
cool.  Havenot tried it in a long time.

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Malcolm Greene
> Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 8:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Looking for very light weight template library (not 
> framework)
> New to Python and looking for a template library that allows Python
> expressions embedded in strings to be evaluated in place. In 
> other words
> something more powerful than the basic "%(variable)s" or "$variable"
> (Template) capabilities.
> I know that some of the web frameworks support this type of template
> capability but I don't need a web framework, just a library that
> supports embedded expression evaluation.
> Use case:
> myOutput = """\
> The total cost is {{}}.
> This order will be shipped to {{}} at the following
> address:
> {{invoice.address}}
> This order was generated at {{some date/time expression}}
> """
> Any suggestions appreciated.
> Malcolm
> -- 

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