On Mar 12, 5:10 am, Frank Millman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> gargonx wrote:
> > Say i have the two methods:
> > def ReturnMethod(request, x):
> >     if request is True:
> >             return x
> >     else: print "No String for you...False!"
> > def SendMethod(request):
> >     xstring = "Some text"
> >     ReturnMethod(request, xstring)
> > SendMethod(True)
> > Why does ReturnMethod not return the string x? I do believe it is
> > returning with a NoneType.
> > Any help would be greatly obliged
> > Thanks, Josh
> ReturnMethod() is executed, but you do nothing with the result.
> Try one of the following -
> def SendMethod(request):
>     xstring = "Some text"
>     print ReturnMethod(request, xstring)
> def SendMethod(request):
>     xstring = "Some text"
>     return ReturnMethod(request, xstring)
> Frank Millman

Thanks Frank the latter worked for my purpose.

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