On Mar 12, 11:58 am, Stefan Behnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> xkenneth wrote:
> > On Mar 12, 6:32 am, "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> xkenneth wrote:
> >>> Hi All,
> >>>    Quick question. I've got an XML schema file (XSD) that I've
> >>> written, that works fine when my data is present as an XML file.
> >>> (Served out by apache2.) Now when I callpythonas a cgi script, and
> >>> tell it print out all of the same XML, also served up by apache2, the
> >>>XSDis not applied. Does this have to do with which content type i
> >>> defined when printing the xml to stdout?
> >> Who's applying the stylesheet? The browser, some application like XmlSpy or
> >> what?
> > The browser.
> Well, why should it validate your file? Browsers don't do that just for fun.
> Stefan

Sorry, it was really late when i wrote this post. The file is an XSL
file. It defines HTML depending on what appears in the XML document.

Kenneth Miller

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