"Jarek Zgoda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Eric B. pisze:
>> I appologize if this is slightly OT, but I am really struggling to figure
>> out how to install Python2.4 on RHEL4.  To make matters worse, the RHEL4
>> machine is a 64bit architecture.
>> I search pyvault, but they only have for .i386.  Does anyone know where /
>> how I can find Python2.4 for RHEL4 x64?
> If you would not find a binary Python 2.4 package, you can always build
> your own and package it. Why not?

Because I don't have a development x64 environment to build it. :(  Only a
production server with no compilation tools on it.
Hence my need to ideally find a binary x64 distribution of it.

Unless someone knows of a way to build a 64bit distribution from within a 
32bit system?




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