On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 14:54:18 -0500, Bill Mill wrote:

> On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 22:24:52 +0100, Fraca7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello.

>> It's not quite clear from the chart; I'd like to know if it's kosher to
>> announce the creation of a Python-oriented blog on
>> comp.lang.python.announce ?

> Well, it's a little late to back out now, isn't it? So check out
> http://fraca7.free.fr/blog/ for "from fraca7 import *", y'all.

Err, so much for discretion. Though discretion isn't exactly the point
about blogging, as far as I know :)

> More to the point, add yourself at
> http://lowlife.jp/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/PythonProgrammersWeblog and
> http://www.planetpython.org/ (see email info on that site), and people
> will find your blog. I know for a fact that the daily python-url editors
> (when not away on vacation) read planet python, and they'll send
> thousands of visitors to you if they link you.

Thank you very much. that's exactly what I was looking for. According to
my recent observations though, the daily Python URL is in idle state until
editors return :)

"In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the
                -- Carl Sagan, Cosmos


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