On Mar 17, 7:03 am, Thomas G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am exploring wxPython and would be grateful for some help.
> It is important to me to be able to slide words and shapes around by
> dragging them from place to place. I don't mean dragging them into a
> different window, which is what 'Drag and Drop' has come to mean, just
> moving them around within a canvas-like space.
> This is easy using Tkinter. Can anybody offer me a tiny, very simple
> example of how it would be done in wxPython, please?
> To make sure I convey what I'm looking for, here is what it looks like
> using Tkinter, written very simply. What I'm looking for is the same,
> quite simple functionality expressed in wxPython, again written very
> simply so that I can easily understand it.
> #!/usr/bin/python
> from Tkinter import *
> root = Tk()
> global canv
> def makeFrame(root):
>    global canv
>    canv = Canvas (root, height = 200, width = 350)
>    canv.create_text(100, 100, text='drag me', tags=('movable'))
>    canv.tag_bind('movable', '<B1-Motion>', slide) #B1-motion is a drag
> with left button down
>    canv.pack()
> def slide (event):
>    '''
>    triggered when something is dragged on the canvas - move thing under
> mouse ('current') to new position
>    '''
>    newx = event.x
>    newy = event.y
>    canv.coords('current', newx, newy)
> makeFrame(root)
> root.mainloop()
> Many thanks in advance
> -- Thomas Green

Hmmm...I'm not sure how to do that. Please post this same question to
the wxPython user's group. They'll know if anyone does:


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