
I can't speak to your issues with the normal sessions, but your bad 
experience with the lightning talks was my fault. And, in apologizing to 
you, I hope that all the others on this thread who have expressed 
similar sentiments hear me too.

Ultimately, we miscalculated in certain respects. It wasn't any 
particular thing, but rather there were a couple of issues that came 
together here:

1 - We had an incredible amount of sponsorship. Higher than expected by 
anyone. This wasn't bad in itself (I think it was very good!), but it 
set the stage for some of the issues later.

2 - As part of the sponsor package, we promised the sponsors priority 
for a lightning talk. Our thought was that the sponsor lightning talks 
from last year were well received, so they probably would be this year 
as well. Unfortunately, that turned out not to be the case - at least 
having *that many* was not well received.

3 - We had a very limited time when some of the sponsors would still be 
here - basically Friday and Saturday. The major problem on Saturday is 
that we *had* to stack the sponsor talks that way or else we would not 
fulfill our obligations to our sponsors.

We offered lightning talks this year because a) we didn't know how well 
the expo hall would go, and b) that was the only way for the sponsors to 
connect with the audience last year - so we assumed that it might be the 
same way this year. This was discussed and generally agreed-to in 
September.  IIRC, the sponsor lightnings were not an issue that was 
subject to much debate back then, most people were accustomed to the 
generally positive 2007 experience.*

I think that with the success of the expo hall, we can remove the 
lightning talks from the sponsor benefits for next year, and at this 
point I am in favor of doing so.

Personally, I was *very* disappointed that some of our sponsors didn't 
prepare or even show up for their assigned slots. I think that the 
sponsors are members of our community, and I expect them to act as such. 
Taking slots and not showing up - or not showing up prepared - isn't how 
I would hope a community member would act.



*(On the other hand, the Diamond keynotes were the subject of 
substantial debate - but I thought those went well; I would like to keep 
them for next year.)


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