Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> On 17 mar, 23:57, Jerry Fleming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have a binary file written with c structures. Each record contains a
>> null-terminated string followed by two 4-bytes integers. I wrote a small
>> segment of python code to parse this file in this way:
>> [coe]
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> from ctypes import *
>> class Entry(Structure):
>>         _fields_ = ('w', c_char_p), ('s', c_uint, 32), ('l', c_uint, 32)
>> idx = open('x.idx', 'rb')
>> str =
>> obj = Entry(str)
>> print obj.w
>> print obj.s
>> print obj.l
>> [/code]
>> where the field w is the string, and s and l are the integers. Problem
>> is that, I can only get the strings, not the integers. Well, I did got
>> integers, but they are all zeros. What should I do to get the real numbers?
> So the string has a variable length? For "Hello" you have
> 'h','e','l','l','o', a zero byte, followed by the two integers? This
> is somewhat unusual for a C struct (in fact you can't declare it in
> C). Perhaps the string is actually a char[n] array with a declared
> maximum size?

Yes, it has a variable length. The C version of the structure is 
something like this:
struct entry {
     char *str,
     int start,
     int length
And adding repr() would print something like this:
'(as) mad as a 
[EMAIL PROTECTED];\x00\x00\x00`.GIF\x00\x00\x00'
(as) mad as a hatter
where the first line is the result of repr(). We can find that, after 
the null-terminated string '(as) mad as a hatter', there are two 
integers, 0 and 31 (0x1f). But python treat 31 as zero.

> Try printing repr(a_few_read_bytes) or a_few_read_bytes.encode("hex")
> to see the actual file contents.
> --
> Gabriel Genellina

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