I wanted to ask some opinions on the Eric4 Python IDE, It was the second 
result from google using the search term "Python IDE" (Quotes Included 
in the search), the first being 
http://wiki.python.org/moin/IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments !

I haven't downloaded or installed it yet, since it has the prerequisites 

1) Python 2.4.0 or better http://www.python.org/download/
2) Qt 4.2.0 or better (from Trolltech)  
3) PyQt 4.1.0 or better (from Riverbank)  
4) QScintilla 2.1 or better (from Riverbank)

I see on the Eric4 website ( http://www.die-offenbachs.de/eric/eric4-
download.html ) that it is also a commercial product for those not 
working with OpenSource, so I hope it's safe to assume that it's a good 
product to use for working with Python.

I'd like some other opinions about it before I download and install all 
the prerequisites.  They probably require their own specific 

Is there an OpenSource bundle with all the prerequisites for a smoother 

Is there a specific order to install the prerequisites?

Thanks in advance for your replies.


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