Hello all,

I'm looking for beta testers for a high performance, event-driven Python 
application server I've developed.

About the server: the front end and other speed-critical parts of the 
server are written in portable, multithreaded C++. The back end is an 
embedded CPython interpreter. The server is much faster than anything in 
pure Python, and it can compete with C servers (including e.g. lighttpd 
for file workloads) or outdo them (e.g. anything behind Apache) until 
CPython consumes a single processor. On the Python side it supports WSGI 
(the server can handle the static and dynamic requests of MoinMoin with 
a handful of lines), the DB API with blocking calls offloaded to a 
connection in a separate thread (MySQL, SQLite supported), Google's 
ctemplate, gzipping responses, file caching, reading and writing to URIs 
as a client, AJAX integration, debugging as a Python extension, and a 
lot of other features. The core Python API is event-driven, using 
continuations like Twisted but much cleaner (continuations are any 
callables, there are no special objects anywhere). The Python back end 
also supports Stackless Python so all of the continuation machinery can 
be hidden behind tasklet switching.

Background: I'm in this to help write a "story" for Python and web 
applications. Everyone likes to go on about Ruby on Rails, and as far as 
  I can tell there's nothing that approaches Rails in Python. I want to 
code quickly in Python like I can with Rails, but without sacrificing 
single node performance on many cores.

Beta testers: should be intermediate to advanced Python programmers with 
demanding applications, particularly web applications with databases and 
AJAX. The C++ is portable to Win32, Linux, and OS X, with no mandatory 
libraries beyond python-dev.

Please contact me if you're interested: firstname.lastname at cl.cam.ac.uk.



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