Minor Gordon a écrit :
(snip otherwise intersting stuff)

> Background: I'm in this to help write a "story" for Python and web 
> applications. Everyone likes to go on about Ruby on Rails, and as far as 
>  I can tell there's nothing that approaches Rails in Python.

You may have missed Django and Pylons then.

> Beta testers: should be intermediate to advanced Python programmers with 
> demanding applications, particularly web applications with databases and 
> AJAX. The C++ is portable to Win32, Linux, and OS X, with no mandatory 
> libraries beyond python-dev.
> Please contact me if you're interested: firstname.lastname at cl.cam.ac.uk.

I can only second Graham here: setup a project page with source code 
downloads, install instructions and (at least minimal) software 
documentation, and if possible a tracker.

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