En Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:12:21 -0300, waltbrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Stumbling through Mark Lutz's "Programming Python 3rd",  he gives an
> example of a program that will automatically configure environment
> settings and launch other programs.  Then he gives an example of
> running this program. On  his command line he types:
> C:\...\PP3E>Launcher.py
> and this begins the program.  Doesn't work for me. I have to type:
> C:\...\PP3E>python Launcher.py
> Is this a typo on his part or has he configured his settings in such a
> way that the command line will automatically associate the extension
> with the program? (If so, he didn't mention this in his book).

I think it is an option in the installer, to associate or not Python to  
the .py extension.
You could reinstall Python paying attention to the options, or repair the  
association as described in this thread:  

Gabriel Genellina


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