On Mar 26, 12:33 pm, Scott Sharkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Here's the directory structure that I've got so far:
> project <dir>                     top level directory
>    setup.py
>    company <dir>                  eventually, we'll have other modules
>      __init__.py
>      error.py                   some classes that will be used in all
>      log.py                     modules
>      acctdb <dir>         the acct db interface directory
>        __init__.py
>        api.py                   the abstract class def (derived from          
>                                   object)
>        specific.py              the specific implementation, derived
>                                 from the api base class
> For arguments sake, let's call the base class (defined in api.py)
> 'BaseClass', and the specific implementation 'SpecificClass(BaseClass)'
> So, in the acctdb/__init__.py, do I do something like this:
>     from company.acctdb.specific import SpecificClass as BaseClass

Seems pretty reasonable to me.  Do you have any specific reasons for
being concerned about this organization?

(My only minor suggestion would be not to import the SpecificClass as
BaseClass, but instead with a name that's different from both, for
example, PublicClass.  All that does is to avoid a tiny bit of
potential confusion down the road.)

Carl Banks

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