Il Wed, 26 Mar 2008 00:22:38 -0700, John Nagle ha scritto:

> Graham Dumpleton wrote:
>> Yes that is a viable option, as still are existing fastcgi solutions
>> for Apache, lighttpd and nginx.
>     Fast cgi is a good technology, 

Well, not really so good:

> but it's not well documented or
> well supported.  For some reason, the Apache people don't like it. It
> used to be part of the Apache distribution, but that ended years ago.
>     It's more reliable than using things like mod_python, where you have
> application code running in the web server's address space.  That
> creates both security problems and robustness problems.  If an fcgi
> process crashes, it is automatically replaced by a fresh copy of the
> program at the next request.  Other activity in progress is not
> affected. Also, fcgi processes are reloaded after some number of
> requests, so minor memory leaks won't choke the system over time.

The problem is simple: why put an extra server layer between an HTTP 
client and an HTTP server?

Moreover, you should not use mod_python as an example.
The WSGI module for Apache has a lot of feature for reducing these 
problems; and as an alternative you can use the WSGI implementation for 

> [...]

Manlio Perillo

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