I vote a strong yes! I went through a MIS major and learned java first.
This was a disaster for me typing these long nonsense lines (I didn't
understand how classes and their members worked). Next was C and we had
to use a command line and notepad to do all our programs. I really
didn't learn much. After I graduated a friend told me to try python
since I had this "screw programming" attitude. Actually I really did
want to program. The fact that I could type one liners in without having
to do make files and all that actually made it feasible for me to learn.
I learned more from python and the tutorial list than 4 years of
college. I really am serious!

I'm going back now and learning C++ and might be able to learn crystal
space 3d here before too long. 

James Carnell

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> On Sat, 22 Mar 2008 21:11:51 -0700, sturlamolden wrote:
>> Yes. And because Python is a "scripting language"


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