On Mar 26, 3:23 pm, "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tim Henderson schrieb:
> > Hello
> > I am writing an application that has a mysql back end and I have this
> > idea to simplify my life when accessing the database. The idea is to
> > wrap the all the functions dealing with a particular row in a
> > particular in a particular table inside a class. So if you have a
> > table that looks like this:
> > id   str1       str2        pickled_data1   pickled_data2
> > 0    woeif      aposf       (bin)                  (bin)
> > 1    ofime      powe        (bin)                  (bin)
> > ...
> > n    oiew       opiwe       (bin)                  (bin)
> > you can access this table like this
> > t = Table(id) #to load a pre-entered row
> > t2 = Table(id, str1, str2, data1, data2) #to create a new row
> > when you change a an attribute of the class like this...
> > t.str1 = 'new value'
> > it automatically updates the database backend.
> > I have what I just described working. However I want an easier way to
> > deal with my pickled_data. Right now I am pickling dictionaries and
> > list types. Now there is one problem with this, let me demonstrate
> > t.data.update({'new key':'new value'})
> > print t.data
> > {... 'new key':'new value' ...}
> > which makes it appear that the database has been updated as well, but
> > in fact it hasn't to update the database with this scheme you actually
> > have to do this.
> > t.data.update({'new key':'new value'})
> > t.data = t.data
> > this is not ideal so I subclassed the built in dict type like this:
> > class _my_dict(dict):
> >     def __init__(self, row_index_name, row_index, column_name, a=None,
> > **kwargs):
> >         self.row_index_name = row_index_name
> >         self.row_index = row_index
> >         self.column_name = column_name
> >         self.write_access = True
> >         if (a == None): dict.__init__(self, kwargs)
> >         else: dict.__init__(self, a)
> >         self.update_db()
> >     def __delitem__(self, key):
> >         if self.write_access:
> >             dict.__delitem__(self, key)
> >             self.update_db()
> >     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
> >         if self.write_access:
> >             dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
> >             self.update_db()
> >     def clear(self):
> >         if self.write_access:
> >             dict.clear(self)
> >             self.update_db()
> >     ...
> >     more methods which are simliar
> >     ...
> >     def update_db(self):
> >         if self.write_access:
> >             con = get_dbConnection()
> >             cur = con.cursor()
> >             table = self.experiment.TABLE
> >             row_index_name = self.row_index_name
> >             row_index = self.row_index
> >             column_name = self.column_name
> >             column_value = MySQLdb.escape_string(pickle.dumps(self))
> >             q1 = '''UPDATE %(table)s
> >             SET %(column_name)s = '%(column_value)s'
> >             WHERE %(row_index_name)s = '%(row_index)s'  ''' % locals()
> >             cur.execute(q1)
> >             con.close()
> > Now while this works, it is a lot of work. What I want to be able to
> > do is something where I write one decorator function that
> > automatically updates the database for me. So let us pretend I have
> > this function.
> > let: dec_update_db() be my decorator which updates the dictionary.
> > to use this function it seems I would probably still have to subclass
> > dict like this:
> > class _my_dict2(dict):
> >     @dec_update_db
> >     def __init__(self, row_index_name, row_index, column_name, a=None,
> > **kwargs):
> >         self.row_index_name = row_index_name
> >         self.row_index = row_index
> >         self.column_name = column_name
> >         self.write_access = True
> >         if (a == None): dict.__init__(self, kwargs)
> >         else: dict.__init__(self, a)
> >     @dec_update_db
> >     def __delitem__(self, key):
> >         dict.__delitem__(self, key)
> >     @dec_update_db
> >     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
> >         dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
> >     @dec_update_db
> >     def clear(self):
> >         dict.clear(self)
> >     ... and so on ...
> > this is also not ideal. because I still have to apply the decorator to
> > every function which changes the dictionary.
> > What I really want is a way to have the decorator applied
> > automatically every time a method in dict or a sub class is called. I
> > feel like this must be possible. Has any one here done anything like
> > this before?
> There are a few possibilities - one of them is using a metaclass to
> apply the decorator to alle methods.
> Diez- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I like his post.  I thought that structures can be counter-primitive.
I don't know why lambda doesn't work.  Where's the guy that thinks
everything in lambdas.  I think that f*2=partial( partial( f ) ).
It's not: no 'of'.

I want to say that's on the internet.  May I define multiplication of
operators?  That's just order.  Pick one.  Do you play Civilization?
I am newsgroup.confuse over and out.  Divide * conquer = cut *

I want the * to precede the dot too.  Let's yack.  I want to compile
Python.  Did you see my new post?  I like it.  Do you have any time
you don't want?  Time sale.  Diez is still mad at me.  I want
primitives to structure themselves so I can pick up a pen.  I am
volunteer primitive structuring.  Your structure sucks.  assert
atmostphere has drags.

i don't think 'and' means the right thing.  'and' is composure.  So
the above should be 'divide and conquer, normalize in the neighborhood
of, cut and run'.  I want to run laps.  Are generators good for it?
Can we punctuate differently Python?  Try to explain to a 'stream' of
particles particle what it's doing.  I'm particle, who's wave.

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