Gabriel Rossetti wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using Partial Function Application in a class and I've come up with 
> a problem, when the method is called it tries to pass "self" to the 
> curried/partial function, but this should be the first argument in 
> reality, but since the function is curried, then the self gets passed as 
> the second argument. Here is the code :
> def __registerService(self, atomic, service):
>     def reg(service):
>         # registers the service
>         ...
>     if(atomic):
>         # Lock the service dict and register the service, then unlock it
>         self.__mutex.lock(reg, service)
>         self.__mutex.unlock()
>     else:
>         reg(service)
> registerServiceAtomic = partial(__registerService, True)
> registerServiceNonAtomic = partial(__registerService, False)
> I should pass self when applying partial, but then I can't do that since 
> self is not available there. Does anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Gabriel
I also tried this :

def __registerService(atomic, self, service):
    def reg(service):
        # registers the service
        # Lock the service dict and register the service, then unlock it
        self.__mutex.lock(reg, service)
registerServiceAtomic = partial(__registerService, True)
registerServiceNonAtomic = partial(__registerService, False)

thinking that the self will be passed as the first argument of the 
registerService* calls and thus the second argument to the 
curried/partial method, but it doesn't work either, I get :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/xxx/Documents/Code/Python/test/", line 245, in 
exceptions.TypeError: __registerService() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 

I don't get it...


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