>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Peter> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> ...can someone explain why invoking a.py prints 0?
>> I would have thought that the global variable 'g' of module 'a' would
>> be set to 1...

Peter> When you run a.py as a script it is put into the sys.modules module
Peter> cache under the key "__main__" instead of "a". Thus, when you import
Peter> a the cache lookup fails and a.py is executed again. You end up with
Peter> two distinct copies of the script and its globals

Suggesting the following horribleness in a.py

g = 0

def main():
    global g
    import b
    g = 1

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys, __main__
    sys.modules['a'] = __main__


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