On Mar 30, 1:24 am, Duncan Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You're forcing your argument too much, both != and <> are NOT standard
> > mathematics operators -- the standard not-equal operator is >< -- and
> > I can assure you that both != and <> won't be comprehensible to non-
> > programmers.
> My maths may be a bit rusty, but I always thought that the standard not-
> equal operator was like an = sign but with a diagonal slash through it as
> displayed when you do:
>    print u'\u2260'

Ah yes, that is also used (I completely forgot about that one, my
math's aren't that sharp anymore) and I think it's used more
frequently than ><. Some books use >< while most use ≠, but my
argument was that no math book use != or <> (except in math for

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