On Mar 29, 7:55 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I don't know if this is the right place to discuss the death of <> in
> Python 3.0, or if there have been any meaningful discussions posted
> before (hard to search google with '<>' keyword), but why would anyone
> prefer the comparison operator != over <>???
> I've written an article about it to try and save this nice "is not
> equal" operator, located athttp://dewitters.koonsolo.com/python_neq.html
> Please set it straight in 3.0, and if not, convince me with a good
> reason of doing so, so that I can live with it and don't have to spend
> the rest of my life in 2.x ;).

 I don't know, but we should have only one operator.

 BTW, my opinion is that it's already time that programmer editors
have input methods advanced enough for generating this:

if x ≠ 0:
    ∀y ∈ s:
        if y ≥ 0: f1(y)
        else: f2(y)


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