
You'll be happy to hear that it appears (after a quick test) to work on 
Vista, though I blush to admit I actually have a Python running on that 

The font selection is much better than in previous versions - although 
the names aren't quite the full font names it's pretty easy to tell 
which one will be used.


SPE - Stani's Python Editor wrote:
> I have been working the last couple of days purely on bug fixing and
> to port the code of Phatch fully to Windows as there were many issues.
> This has improved:
> - Phatch can now create droplets on Windows (win32 extensions
> required)
> - Installed fonts are retrieved from the Windows registry
> - Image file dialogs are now working correctly
> - Missing icons are added (including a phatch.ico) and are now
> displayed in the windows titlebars
> - Image Inspector was missing a panel
> - Preview in Image Inspector now displays correctly
> - (...)
> Besides that Phatch now features for all platforms:
> - fonts can be defined with a nice dropdown autocomplete list
> - drop down lists with convenient values in all actions
> - the action masks now ships with some predefined masks (such as torn
> edges)
> - right click in the actions dialog box to see the source of an action
> - View>Droplet nows shows the name of the action box rendered in the
> logo
> - Dutch translation is 100% complete
> As such no new features have been added, but the user experience feels
> much more polished now.
> Please read *carefully* the installation instructions first:
> People who have been using Phatch before should clear their font cache
> (if it exists). Simply delete the file:
> C:\Documents and Settings\Username\.phatch\fonts
> I did the Phatch port on a Windows 2000 machine, so I am curious to
> hear how Phatch works on Windows XP and Vista. I will fix any bug (as
> far as possible) which is reported quickly in the next couple of days.
> You can help translating Phatch here:
> Thanks in advance,
> Stani
> On 18 feb, 15:58, "SPE - Stani's Python Editor"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm pleased to announce the release ofPhatchwhich is a
>> powerful batch processor and renamer.Phatchexposes a big part of the
>> Python Imaging Library through an user friendly GUI. (It is using
>> python-pyexiv2 to offer more extensive EXIF and IPTC support.)Phatch
>> is not targeted at manipulating individual pictures (such as with
>> Gimp), but repeating the same actions on hundreds or thousands of
>> images.
>> If you know PIL and have some nice recipes laying around, it is very
>> easy to write plugins asPhatchgenerates the corresponding GUI
>> automagically just like in Django. Any existings PIL scripts can be
>> added very easily. Let me know if you want to contribute or have any
>> questions.
>> Homepage: download link below)
>> Tutorials:
>> Translations:
>> License: GPLv3
>> Screenshot:
>> (the perspective and reflection is produced byPhatchitself)
>> Phatchhas many features, like:
>> - EXIF information inspector with thumbnail
>> - limit jpeg file size when saving
>> - tons of actions organized by tags (including perspective, round
>> corners, shadow, reflection, ...)
>> - console version (Phatchcan now run without a gui on servers)
>> - batch rename and copy files based on exif metadata
>> - data stamping (
>> - online documentation wiki (
>> Linux only features:
>> - desktop or panel droplets on which images or folders can be dropped
>> (will be ported to Windows & Mac)
>> - Nautilus and desktop integration (with its own mime type and
>> nautilus extension)
>> - manpage with examples
>> With python-pyexiv2 the following featues are added:
>> - embedding the original EXIF and IPTC tags in the image
>> All actions mostly have a separate pil function in their source code,
>> so they could be read as a recipe book for PIL:
>> * Auto Contrast - Maximize image contrast
>> * Background - Put colour under transparent image
>> * Border - Crop or add border to all sides
>> * Brightness - Adjust brightness from black to white
>> * Canvas - Crop the image or enlarge canvas without resizing the image
>> * Colorize - Colorize grayscale image
>> * Common - Copies the most common pixel value
>> * Contrast - Adjust from grey to black & white
>> * Convert Mode - Convert the color mode of an image (grayscale, RGB,
>> RGBA or CMYK)
>> * Copy - Copy image file
>> * Effect - Blur, Sharpen, Emboss, Smooth, ...
>> * Equalize - Equalize the image histogram
>> * Fit - Downsize and crop image with fixed ratio
>> * Grayscale - Fade all colours to gray
>> * Invert - Invert the colors of the image (negative)
>> * Maximum - Copies the maximum pixel value
>> * Mask - Apply a transparency mask
>> * Median - Copies the median pixel value
>> * Minimum - Copies the minimum pixel value
>> * Offset - Offset by distance and wrap around
>> * Posterize - Reduce the number of bits of colour channel
>> * Perspective - Shear 2d or 3d
>> * Rank - Copies the rank'th pixel value
>> * Reflect - Drops a reflection
>> * Rename - Rename image file
>> * Rotate - Rotate with random angle
>> * Round - Round or crossed corners with variable radius and corners
>> * Saturation - Adjust saturation from grayscale to high
>> * Save - Save an image with variable compression in different types
>> * Scale - Scale an image with different resample filters.
>> * Shadow - Drop a blurred shadow under a photo with variable position,
>> blur and color
>> * Solarize - Invert all pixel values above threshold
>> * Text - Write text at a given position
>> * Transpose - Flip or rotate an image by 90 degrees
>> * Watermark - Apply a watermark image with variable placement (offset,
>> scaling, tiling) and opacity
>> I developPhatchon Ubuntu/Linux, but I have tested and polished it
>> regularly on Windows and Mac Os X. (Only the droplet functionality
>> needs to be ported.)Phatchis submitted to Debian unstable and
>> Ubuntu Hardy. Packagers for other platforms are welcome.
>> Requirements:
>> - PIL 1.1.5 or higher
>> - wxPython 2.6 or higher
>> - pyexiv2 (optional)
>> - python nautilus bindings (optional)
>> Best regards,
>> Stani
>> --

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC    


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