>  Try Rails' ActiveRecord. Your problems should reduce to (lg lg
> 2)^(1/12).

python> (log(log(2)))**(1.0/12.0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: negative number cannot be raised to a fractional power

So you are saying the problems will get really complex? :)

>  Seriously, you'll forget there's a relational database below. (there
> are even intefaces for "relational lists", "trees", etc.)

My experience with this sort of thing is that it is a bit
like morphine.  It can feel really good, and in emergencies
it can save you a lot of pain.  But if you use it too often
and too seriously you end up with really big problems.

   -- Aaron Watters



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