First of all, discontinuing VB doesn't mean you have to stop using it.
I worked on a project which was compiled with Visual C 1.52, for many
years after it was not supported. The project is used by nearly every
engineer at the company where I work.
We are still devleoping the project I work on now in VB6, and have no
reason to bail.
For new projects, it would make sense to look into or some

Python has classes, but not templates. However, you don't have to use
classes in your program, but it will make life easier if you learned

Python's classes are not as complicated as C++, it's a much better
language to learn from.

VB has classes too, and if you haven't used them in your programs, then
there's a good chance you can program that way with Python too, but I
wouldn't make a point of it.

VB has a much better IDE than the IDE's for Python, although Eric3 is
one of the best, and is absolutely free.

VB's ide is it's strongpoint, not the language itsself.

If you need to do Gui's then it is extremely usefull to learn the
basics of classes, your code will be much simpler in the long run.

There are many gui toolkits/frameworks for Python, but the foreunners
are pyQT, wxPython, pyGTK, and TK/Tkinter.

You don't have to worry about pointers though :-)


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