Thanks to everyone who responded, and sorry for my late response.

Grin seems like the perfect solution for me.  I finally had a chance
to download it and play with it today.  It's great. were kind enough to ask if I had any requests.  Just the
one right now of grepping through gzip files.  If for some reason you
don't want to do it or don't have time to do it, I could probably do
it and send you a patch.  But I imagine that since you wrote the code,
you could do it more elegantly than I could.


P.S.  Robert....this program totally deserves a real web page, not
just being buried in an svn repository.  I spent a lot of time looking
for a tool like this that was written in python.  I imagine others
have as well, and have simply given up.

On Mar 18, 7:16 pm, Robert Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have agrep-like utility I call "grin". I wrote it mostly to recursivelygrep
> SVN source trees while ignoring the garbage under the .svn/ directories and 
> more
> or less do exactly what I need most frequently without configuration. It could
> easily be extended to open gzip files with GzipFile.
> Let me know if you have any requests.

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