M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> On 2008-04-01 22:40, Aaron Watters wrote:
>> I've been poking around the world of object-relational
>> mappers and it inspired me to coin a corellary to the
>> the famous quote on regular expressions:
>> "You have objects and a database: that's 2 problems.
>> So: get an object-relational mapper:
>> now you have 2**3 problems."
>> That is to say I feel that they all make me learn
>> so much about the internals and features of the
>> O-R mapper itself that I would be better off rolling
>> my own queries on an as-needed basis without
>> wasting so many brain cells.
>> comments?
> I fully agree :-)

BTW: Some people implemented O/R mappers above python-ldap. All 
implementations I saw up to now are falling short regarding the 
complexity of the LDAP attribute sub-types, the syntactical rules for 
attribute type descriptive names and attribute name aliasing. So first a 
developer has also to evaluate whether a O/R mapper is really complete 
before using it.

Ciao, Michael.

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