LaundroMat wrote:
> On Apr 8, 2:04 pm, "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> LaundroMat wrote:
>>> Hi -
>>> I'm working on a Django powered site where one of the required
>>> functionalities is the possibility of displaying the content of
>>> external pages, with an extra banner at the top where specific
>>> information is displayed. In other words, I'm looking for a way to
>>> reproduce an existing web page and add some HTML code to it. (I can't
>>> think of an example right now, but the idea is similar to sites that
>>> let you see an external page and have some site-specific text above it
>>> (often stating that the content below is not part of the site the user
>>> comes from)).
>>> To test this, I've been downloading an external page, adding some text
>>> to it and re-opening it in a browser (with the help of built-in
>>> modules such as urllib2 etc). This works of course, but the external
>>> page's links such as <img src="hello.png">, or <a href="help.html">
>>> are evidently no longer correct.
>>> Apart from parsing the whole file and trying to inject the external
>>> site's domain in links such as the above (with the added inconvenience
>>> of having to store the external page locally), is there an easier way
>>> of accomplishing what I want?
>> Using a frame?
>> Diez
> Ack. I was too focused on importing the external web page and
> redisplaying the information (I've just been reading up on
> BeautifulSoup) instead of looking for an HTML based approach.
> Thanks!

You could also look at adding a <base> tag to your generated page's 
<head> section.

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC    


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