> By convention, I've read, your module begins with its import
> statements. Is this always sensible?

There are exceptions, but the benefits are great: It's very easy to
see what this module requires, without needing to execute it.

> I put imports that are needed for testing in the test code at the
> end of the module. If only a bit of the module has a visual
> interface, why pollute the global namespace with 'from Tkinter
> import *'? Wouldn't that be better done in a separate class or
> function?

If your test code requires the Tkinter module but the rest of the code
doesn't, why pollute the functional module with such test code? Move
it to a separate unit test module.

 \     “Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands |
  `\                                             it.” —Albert Einstein |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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