Huayang Xia wrote:
> On Apr 11, 12:15 am, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> En Thu, 10 Apr 2008 18:45:04 -0300, Huayang Xia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> escribió:
>>> I am trying to use ctypes to call dll functions. One of the functions
>>> requires argument "struct IDispatch* ". I do have a PyIDispatch object
>>> in python. How can I convert this "PyIDispatch object" to "struct
>>> IDispatch* "?
>> I think a PyIDispatch object is an IDispatch* itself.
>> But you'll get better answers from the python-win32 
>> list:
>> --
>> Gabriel Genellina
> Thanks for the info.
> To call a dll function, it needs a C style IDispatch*. PyIDispatch is
> a python wrapped one. I found a reference from:
> which shows how to convert C style to python style. Unfortunately i
> need the reversed version.
> I will post the question to python-win32.

I've had a quick look at the PyIDispatch source and I can't see any obvious
way in which the underlying IDispatch is exposed. May have missed something,
but it's possible that there's not way out.


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